TinyCTS/AL and lwIP
TinyCTS/AL, lwIP and MicroHTTP
MicroHTTP with Nut/Net or lwIP
ChibiOS, lwIP and MicroHTTP
BeagleBone and JTAG
CAN example
Nut/OS and CrossWorks
CrossWorks for ARM & EA-LPC2478
µC/OS-II for ARM
Small examples

J-Link GDB Server
GNU ARM Bare Metal Toolchain
GNU ARM Toolchain & Eclipse

Nios II and Nut/OS
Nios II and ChibiOS/RT
Altera DE1 - SOPC

WLAN Internet Radio
IDE / CF Interface
MMC Interface

AVR32 - NGW100
  TinyCTS/AL and lwIP

A Proof of Concept using TinyCTS/AL and lwIP.

TinyCTS/AL, lwIP and MicroHTTP

A Proof of Concept for using TinyCTS/AL, lwIP and MicroHTTP.

MicroHTTP with Nut/Net or lwIP

A Proof of Concept for using MicroHTTP with Nut/Net or lwIP.

ChibiOS, lwIP and MicroHTTP

A Proof of Concept for using ChibiOS, lwIP and MicroHTTP.

BeagleBone and JTAG

Different ways to use JTAG on a BeagleBone

CAN example

The CAN example use the CAN controller from a STM32F103 for a small weather station.


An OpENer port using ChibiOS, lwIP and a STM32F407 cpu.


ChibiOS/RT is a portable, open source, compact and extremely fast Real Time Operating System.
Here you will find all my ports and a short overview.


TNKernel is a compact real-time kernel for the embedded 32/16/8 bits microprocessors. Here you will find some ARM7 and Cortex-M3 ports for CrossWorks for ARM.

Nut/OS and CrossWorks

Nut/OS is a modular, open source, real time operating system for embedded platforms. It is easily configurable and optimized to run on 8 and 32 bit microcontrollers. Here you will find some of my
ports which are working with CrossWorks for ARM.

CrossWorks for ARM and EA-LPC2478

A CrossWorks for ARM Support Packages for an Embedded Artists LPC2478 OEM Board.

µC/OS-II for ARM

This is an application note which describes the port for the STMicroelectronics STR711 (ARM7TDMI) microcontroller using the CrossWorks toolchain.


STR7 USB-MSD is a port of the original STMicroelectronics example.


How to debug with Eclipse using a J-Link, J-Link EDU or SAM-ICE.


The STLINK project is a GDB Server software for the ST-LINK/V2 hardware which can be found at
ST's STM32 Discovery kits e.g. the STM32F4-Discovery board.

Small examples

These examples here can be used for a starting point for your own work. I will provide you some
small examples for the Cortex-A9, -A8, -M7, -M4, -M3, -M0 and ARM7 cpu. As a compiler CrossWorks for ARM and a "Bare Metal" (arm-none-eabi) toolchain was used.

J-Link GDB Server

How to download and install the windows version of the J-Link GDB Server which provide debugging for embedded target devices using the J-Link hardware.

GNU ARM Bare Metal Toolchain

The GNU ARM Bare Metal Toolchain will be used for building applications for the ARM architecture without any operation systems like Linux.

GNU ARM Toolchain & Eclipse

How to expand your GNU ARM Toolchain by Eclispe.


N2IRvs is an Internet Radio which is supported by the Nios II, Nut/OS and a VS1053 decoder.

Nios II and Nut/OS

How to use Nut/OS on a Nios II based cpu on an Altera DE0-Nano Board.

Nios II and ChibiOS/RT

How to use ChibiOS/RT on a Nios II based cpu on an Altera DE1 Board.

Altera DE1 - SOPC

Create your first Nios II project on an Altera DE1 Board with SOPC Builder.


USBDIP is a 8-bit Embedded USB Host Interface.

WLAN Internet Radio

The hardware is based on an Ethernut and a Medianut board plus a
WLAN Interface, which is stuffed with a Xilinx XC95108.

IDE / CF Interface

This add-on board offers new solutions by attaching mass storage devices to the Ethernut.
A FAT file system, which is already part of the current Nut/OS release is availabe too.


AIRAT2 CPU is the replacement for the original 8051 CPU of the AIRAT2 micromouse.


NUTSetup is a tiny Win32 application for configuration of an Ethernut board.

MMC Interface

This is a prototype of the MMC interface for an Ethernut board.


Xflash is a filesystem driver with a tiny TFTP server for the 512kByte data flash of the Ethernut 2.1.

AVR32 - NGW100

A short trip into the world of the AVR32 and NGW100. Here you will find a how to start with a NGW100 evaluation board. What do you need for buildroot and more.