How to

emb4fun is only a private site, therefore is nothing for sale here.

This is my web page for general embedded technics. Another page sec4trust is under construction and will handle embedded security in the future.

Here I collect my projects that have developed over time. Where the main focus is on the embedded ARM area. Another area are FPGAs and smaller tools which can be helpful for the development, or were just needed.

In the archive you can find older projects which are no longer supported. The ARM section will be used to collect all the ARM based projects. As already mentioned, there is also the area of FPGAs. Furthermore there is a how to section for the ARM and FPGA projects. Here you can find the descriptions I have created for the YAGARTO project too. The project section is used more for larger projects or higher level projects. And now there is also a RISC-V area. There will be topics like RISC-V on FPGAs and the corresponding tools.

Btw, I don't want a search engine optimization, all offers about it will be deleted.

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