Small examples
CrossWorks for ARM
Bare Metal


These examples here can be used for a starting point for your own work. Here I will provide you some small examples. As a compiler CrossWorks for ARM and a "Bare Metal" arm-none-eabi toolchain was used.

Examples using Embedded Studio can be find here.

CrossWorks for ARM

Examples which use the external RAM for the program memory in "RAM Debug / Release" mode.

CW-STM32769ITest tested with a STM32769I-Disc1 development board (STM32F769NG)

CW-K65FTest tested with a TWR-K65F180M development board (K65F)

CW-RT1050Test tested with a MIMXRT1050 EVK development board (RT1052)

CW-RT1020Test tested with a MIMXRT1020 EVK development board (RT1021)

CW-STM32746GTest tested with a STM32746G-Disco development board (STM32F746NG)

CW-STM3240GTest tested with a STM3240G-EVAL development board (STM32F407IG)

CW-STM3220GTest tested with a STM3220G-EVAL development board (STM32F207IG)

CW-STM3210ETest tested with a STM3210E-EVAL development board (STM32F103ZE)

CW-EALPC4088Test tested with an EA-LPC4088 development board (LPC4088)

CW-EALPC1788Test tested with an EA-LPC1788 development board (LPC1788)

CW-EALPC2468Test tested with an EA-LPC2468 development board (LPC2468)

CW-B3Test tested with a BeagleBone Black development board (AM335x)

CW-B2Test tested with a BeagleBone development board (AM335x)

CW-C5Test tested with an Altera DE1-SoC development board (Cyclone V SoC)

CW-EIRTest tested with an EIR (ELEKTOR Internet Radio) development board (AT91SAM7SE512)

Examples which use the internal RAM for the program memory in "RAM Debug / Release" mode.

CW-K66FTest tested with a FRDM-K66F development board (K66F)

CW-K64FTest tested with a FRDM-K64F development board (K64F)

CW-LPC4330Test tested with a LPC4330-Xplorer development board (LPC4330)

CW-LPC1769Test tested with a LPC1769 LPCXPRESSO development board (LPC1769)

CW-TM4C1294Test tested with an EK-TM4C1294XL development board (TM4C1294NCPDT)

CW-SAM4E16Test tested with a SAM4E Xplained Pro development board (ATSAM4E16E)

CW-SAMD20Test tested with a SAM D20 Xplained Pro development board (ATSAMD20J18A)

CW-SAMD21Test tested with a SAM D21 Xplained Pro development board (ATSAMD21J18A)

Bare Metal

If you get linker errors like:

  • undefined reference to _sbrk
  • undefined reference to _exit
  • undefined reference to _getpid
  • and more...

Try to add syscalls.c to your project.


C5Test tested with an Altera DE1-SoC development board (Cyclone V SoC)


STM3240GTest tested with a STM3240G-EVAL development board (STM32F407IG)

STM32F407Test tested with a STM32-H407 / STM32-E407 development board (STM32F407ZG)

STM32F4-Discovery tested with a STM32F4-Discovery development board (STM32F407VG)

SAM4SXTest tested with a SAM4S Xplained development board

K40Test tested with a TWR-K40X256 development board


STM32Test tested with a STM32-P103 development board (STM32F103RB)

STM3210ETest tested with a STM3210E-EVAL development board (STM32F103ZE)

STM3210CTest tested with a STM3210C-EVAL development board (STM32F107VC)

LPC1343Test tested with a LPC-P1343 development board (SWD debug only)

LPC1768Test tested with a MCB1760 development board

SAM3U4ETest tested with a SAM3U-EK development board

SAM3N4CTest tested with a SAM3N-EK development board

SAM3S4CTest tested with a SAM3S-EK development board


LPC1114Test tested with a LPC-P1114 development board (SWD debug only)

ARM7 projects

EIRTest tested with an EIR (ELEKTOR Internet Radio) development board

Ethernut3Test tested with an Ethernut 3 board (RAM only)

SAM7X256Test tested with an AT91SAM7X-EK development board

SAM7S256Test tested with a SAM7-P256 development board

LPC2294Test tested with a LPC-L2294 development board

STR7Test tested with a HITEX STR7 development board