Inspired by the Golden Hardware Reference Design from
RocketBoards I have created my
own design for the Altera DE1-SoC Board. It is based on the Terasic Verilog example with
some modifications and ported to VHDL. The design was created with the Quartus II Web Edition
Here an Altera DE1-SoC Board was used:
The DE1-SoC board provides a lot of functionality. But only the following subset was used:
- Cyclone V SoC (5SCEMA5F31C6)
- ARM Cortex-A9 (HPS)
- 1GB (2x256Mx16) DDR3 SDRAM on HPS
- USB to UART (micro USB type B connector)
- 4 User Keys (FPGA x4)
- 10 User switches (FPGA x10)
- 11 User LEDs (FPGA x10, HPS x 1)
The architecture of the hardware looks like:
The architecture looks very similar like the design from RocketBoards. But here I have removed
the two JTAG Masters which was needed for the System Console.
HPS-to-FPGA Address Map
From the perspective of the MPU (Cortex-A9) the HPS-to-FPGA address starts at 0xC0000000
and the map looks like:
Peripheral |
Address Offset |
Size (bytes) |
Attribute |
onchip_memory2_0 |
0x0 |
64K |
On-chip RAM as scratch pad |
Lightweight HPS-to-FPGA Address Map
From the perspective of the MPU (Cortex-A9) the Lightweight HPS-to-FPGA address starts at
0xFF200000 and the map looks like:
Peripheral |
Address Offset |
Size (bytes) |
Attribute |
sysid_qsys |
0x10000 |
8 |
Unique system ID |
led_pio |
0x10040 |
32 |
LED output |
dipsw_pio |
0x10080 |
32 |
DIP switch input |
button_pio |
0x100C0 |
32 |
Push button input |
SDRAM assignments
After the very first run of Qsys "Generate HDL..." the SDRAM assignments must be executed.
After the Qsys code generation start "Analysis & Synthesis". It takes a few minutes
(depending on host machine speed) before the "Analysis & Synthesis" will finish.
Now the SDRAM assigments can be created. In Quartus, go to "Tools > Tcl Scripts..." and select
the hps_sdram_p0_pin_assigments.tcl file. Click "Run" to execute. A notification
window will appear when the script is completed. Now the full "Compile Design" process can be used.
For more information please take a look here at RocketBoards.
Programming the EPCQ Device
To program the quad serial configuration (EPCQ) device a JTAG indirect configuration
(.jic) file is needed. The information for how to create this file and program EPCQ
device can be found in the User Manual
of the DE1-SoC Board.
Alternative the files from the download can be used. After downloading and unpacking
the "" file a release folder with all needed files are available.
Open the Quartus II Programmer and use "File > Open..." and select the de1soc_prog.cdf
file from the release folder. The window should now look like:

(Click inside the picture to expand)
Press the "Start" button to program the device. If the device was programed
successful, close the programmer and power the board off and on. Now the LEDR9
should flashing. KEY3 can be used to reset the board.
Note: "_clean.bat" will clean the release folder too. The files inside the release
folder can be created after a successful "Compilation" of the design.
After the compilation use "_create_jic.bat" for creating the files.
How to debug?
How to debug the Cortex-A9 inside the Cyclone V SoC with a J-Link? This is another story,
which can be find here.
Altera DE1-SoC design de1soc-ghrd_20161216 (3.51 MB, for Quartus II 15.0.2)