TinyES3 is an Embedded Secure Signing Server that uses an encryped key storage,
EKS. The server uses the private elliptic curves keys stored in the EKS to generate
the digital signatures. The signature is based on selectable signing keys which are
securely stored on the server. The signing keys can be generated on the server itself.
Thanks to the EKS, it is easy to clone the server and create a redundant, highly
available signing system.
The server can be used to sign embedded files like firmware uploads. A corresponding
signature header will be added in front of the original file. To verify the file on
the recipient side, the coresponding public key must be available on the recipient.
The signature process requires not only the server, but also a command line application,
the client. The file to be signed is first hashed by the client and this hash is then
sent to the server. The hash signature is now created on the server and sent back to
the client. Here the signature header is created and placed in front of the original
TinyES3 based on the software from TinyONE with the additional functionality of the
Session ID and with TLS support. For the TLS support,
Mbed TLS
was used. The Session ID is not a new invention but the attempt to implement such
functionality on small systems, which has been available for a long time in Windows and
Linux applications. Small systems here do not mean embedded Linux systems, but rather
even smaller systems with a simple operating system and limited resources.
Due to the basis of the TinyONE server, the following components are
used. The current system uses a
user / password login. A 2FA login with a FIDO2 stick is under development.
Btw, for the hardware a BeagleBone Black
with TinyCTS instead of Linux was used.
Why all this anyway?
The lecture from 35C3, Smart Home - Smart Hack, inspired me to create a simple
and secure signing solution for the embedded area. The lecture is available in German
and English here:
That was at the end of 2018, and since then I wanted to create a solution so that
embedded software can be signed, and this with open source components. With embedded
software I don't mean Linux or Android applications. There is already an infrastructure
Furthermore, the system should be easy to use. This means that the signing should
be easy to implement in an existing build process. The solution should not only be
usable by a single person, but also by a small team. The private keys should not be
on the developer's computer and it should be possible to set up a redundant
system. In addition, it must be easy to clone the system and only authorized users
should be able to sign.
That was actually the specification. Signing may be only a small part, but it can
help to improve the security of a system.
Then let's see if the requirements have been implemented.
How everything works
In order to trust a security solution, it must be available in source so that it can
be verified. That is why TinyES3 is open source and the sources are available here.
Furthermore, it will be described later on how to create the finished project from
the sources if you want to do it yourself.
The functionality of the software is described transparently here, so you can decide
for yourself if the functionality of the software meets your cybersecurity needs.
Later, there are step-by-step instructions on how to set up TinyES3, add an user, and
an example for daily use.
TinyES3 is secured by user / password login of the Signing Server System Administrator.
A 2FA login with a FIDO2 stick is under development. There is no default password and
you have to assign a password the first time you use it. The password requires at least
one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and symbols. And the total length
must be between 8-32. Only a salted hash is stored from this password. This is only the
password for the administration not for the encrypted key storage (EKS).
The encrypted key storage (EKS) has his own password. This password must be assign the
first time the EKS is used. Here the EKS key is derived with the help of PBKDF2 and has
a size of 256 bits. In contrast to the admin password, no hash is saved here, but a file
with a specific content is encrypted with the EKS key and stored on the SD card. If a
password, for the EKS, is entered later, an EKS key is generated again and an attempt
is made to decrypt the file with it. If the correct content can now be restored, the
password is correct. AES is a cryptographic algorithm used to protect the EKS. The EKS
can be locked and unlocked with the EKS key.
The EKS is divided into different slots. Whereby slot 0 is the "root of trust"
and the other slots are freely available. Each slot has a unique name. Slot 0 is created
automatically when you first set it up. The elliptic curve "NIST P-256" is used
to generate the keys. Only the administrator can create, disable and enable keys. It is
not possible to delete keys by the GUI. Only the public key can be displayed. Each slot
is individually secured with the EKS key and saved on the SD card. Because the EKS is
stored encrypted on the SD card, a redundant system can also be set up easily. For this,
the EKS only needs to be copied to the other system.
Authorization is required for the user who wants to receive a signature from the TinyES3.
The public key procedure is used for authorization. To do this, the user has to generate
a private and public key. And the public key is then stored in the TinyES3 by the
Signing Server System Administrator. Each user is individually secured with the EKS key
and saved on the SD card. Only the administrator can add and delete users. The actual
signing job is then signed with the user's private key and sent to the TinyES3.
This checks with the user's public key whether the order is authorized. If this is
the case, the signing order is carried out. The request and the response to the order
are not transmitted in encrypted form, since no data is transmitted here that would
have to be protected. A replay attack would also make no sense here.
First time use
As already mentioned, a password must be set when using it for the first time:

(Click inside the picture to expand)
After the initial setup, the login is required, with admin for the user:

(Click inside the picture to expand)
After the login the windows looks like:

(Click inside the picture to expand)
After switching on the TinyES3, the EKS is still locked, and must be unlocked:

(Click inside the picture to expand)
And as mentioned before, the first time, the EKS must be initialized too:

(Click inside the picture to expand)
And the result looks like:

(Click inside the picture to expand)
After the initialization, the EKS looks like this:

(Click inside the picture to expand)
Oh, by the way, if you don't use the TinyES3's website for a minute, you will be
logged out automatically.
Private, public key creation
A new private, public key is created via the "Create" link in the EKS
"Overview". Next, the identifier for the slot is required:
In this example the slot name is "firefly". After pressing "Create"
the new key was created:
A slot can be temporarily disabled, or the public key can be shown:
Authorization is required for the user who wants to receive a signature from the
TinyES3. Therefore a user will be added next.
Add user
Do you also know Alice and Bob? They are always very busy, but here Alice wanted
to test TinyES3 with her firefly project. In order for Alice to be able to use TinyES3,
she must first authorize herself as a user on the server. For this purpose, a
private and public key must be generated by Alice. This is done with the command
line tool es3keygen. To do this, Alice now starts es3keygen, the output looks like this:
In the user's home folder, the ".es3" folder is created with a
private and public key. Alice must now send the file to the administrator
of the TinyES3 so that he can store Alice's public key in the server.
The administrator use now the "User" page and can add a new user via the
"Add" link:

(Click inside the picture to expand)
The next window now looks like this, where the data of the ""
file has already been copied in by the administrator:
After pressing "Create" the new key was created:
The user overview page now looks like this:
Alice has now been added to the server, so she can now use the signing service.
Daily use
The following tools are available to Alice for daily work with the TinyES3:
- es3discover
- es3sign
- es3verify
With es3discover Alice can check whether a TinyES3 is available in the network:
es3sign is the program for signing. The program needs as parameter the slot
and the file which should be signed:
When signing, the first signing server found by the es3sign program is automatically
used. After signing, a file is created in which the existing extension has been replaced
by ".es3".
With es3verify and the public key of the slot with which the file was signed, it can
be checked whether the signing is valid:
Thank you Alice for using the signing service of TinyES3 for your project.
How to build
SEGGER Embedded Studio
v8.10b was used as the compiler to build the TinyES3. The "es3" tools was build
with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0.
The repository can be found on GitHub at